Fertility Dost

Can Vitamin supplements help in boosting fertility and make it easy to conceive ?

Fertility Diet, Nutrition
Can Vitamin supplements help in boosting fertility and make it easy to conceive ?

Have you started giving a serious thought on bringing a new life in this world?? Well, then it’s the right time to start boosting and preparing your body with the essential vitamins and minerals. There are certain nutrients which have proved to be helpful in enhancing the ovulatory functions of a woman and increasing her chances of getting pregnant. The latest update shows that supplements might increase sperm count and motility in men as well.


Boost Fertility with Vitamins: What You Need to Know

Infertility can be a hard journey and one thing which can help in sailing through easily could be the micronutrients which we get through food or supplements. Vitamins play an important role in female health as they are essential for several functions like:

  • • Menstruation
  • • Ovulation
  • • thyroid
  • • immunity
  • • energy production
  • • oocyte/egg quality and maturation


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Some essential supplements to boost fertility in Men and Women


1. Acetyl L-carnitine

This supplement is ideal for both men and women. Being rich in antioxidants, this vitamin helps in promoting healthy female reproductive system. It is contributes in boosting sperm motility in men as well. Acetyl L-carnitine is enriched with powerful antioxidants which help in minimizing age-related changes in female reproductive system.

Doses:  It generally ranges between 1 and 3 grams per day for men. The doses should always be taken after proper consultation with the doctor.

Natural source: Milk, beef steak, chicken breast, cheese etc


2. B Vitamins

This supplement is quite important for both men and women. It helps in promoting egg health and preventing ovulatory infertility. It might help in enhancing the quality of sperm.

Doses: 1-25 mcg per day for adults

Natural source: whole grains, meat, eggs, legumes, seeds etc


3. Vitamin C

This vitamin is ideal for men as it is counted beneficial in supporting the sperm count and mobility. Research shows that intake of Vitamin C along with Vitamin E improves the number, mobility and at times DNA integrity of sperm in men.

Dose: The daily dose for men is 90mg and 75 mg for women.

Natural source: Broccoli, sprouts, spinach, red and yellow bell pepper, tomato, sweet and white potatoes


4. Coenzyme Q10

This supplement is ideal for both men and women. It is believed to improve ovarian response in women undergoing the process of IVF and helps in boosting sperm concentration and motility in men with infertility issues.

Dose: 50-1200 mg in adults

Natural source: Organ meat, fatty fish, nut and seeds, legumes, spinach, cauliflower, oranges, strawberries etc


5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is ideal for both men and women as it helps in improving ovarian stimulation and enhances the semen quality. Vitamin D plays a vital role in both male and female reproductive functioning. Research claims the association of Vitamin D deficiency resulting in infertility in both the sexes.

Doses: 25-100 mcg in adults

Natural source: Flesh of fatty fish, beef liver, cheese, fish liver oil and sunlight


6. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is ideal for both male and female to boost their reproductive health. It comes with antioxidant properties which might contribute in promoting sperm function in men.

Doses: Usually its 15mg for adults.

Natural source: vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, green leafy vegetables etc


7. Folic Acid

While thinking of getting pregnant, folic acid is the first name that pops up as a supplement for women. It helps in achieving pregnancy and improves the outcome of fertility treatments.

Natural source: Citrus fruits, whole grains and green leafy vegetables

Doses: It is recommended to consume 400 -800 mcg daily


8. Iron

It is again one of the vital supplements for women as supplementing with iron minimizes the risk of ovulatory infertility.

Doses: 15-20 mg of elemental iron daily for adults

Natural source: Beans, lentils, tofu, baked potatoes, cashews, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grain and enriched breads.


9. Omega-3s

An ideal supplement for both male and female because it is believed to boost sperm motility in men and proves quite helpful in achieving pregnancy over the age of 35 in women.

Natural sources: Fishes like salmon, cod liver oil, chia seeds, flax seeds, caviar etc

Doses: 250-500 mg combined EPA and DHA daily for adults


10. Selenium

Selenium might not be hyped much but it is a vital mineral which plays an important role in the reproductive system. It is believed to reduce the risk of miscarriage and helps in improving the semen quality. As per the latest research, selenium may help in maintaining the health of follicular fluid surrounding women’s eggs.

Doses: 55mcg per day for adults

Natural source: Whole grains, dairy products, pork, beef, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish and eggs


11. Zinc

Zinc helps in fertilization and egg development in women. It also enhances the quality of sperm in men.

Doses: It is estimated as 8mg for women and 11 mg for men per day.

Natural source: Whole grain, milk products, oyster, red meat, baked beans, chick peas etc


**The above mentioned doses should not be taken without consulting the healthcare professional as the body type and its requirements differ from person to person.



Is it Ok to take Vitamin supplements?

There are several factors like genetics, age, unpredictable cycle and many more which are beyond control while struggling with infertility. However, offering some of the best possible nutrition like vitamins and minerals to the body might help in boosting the chances of a healthy pregnancy.  But it is always advisable to consult your doctor before starting any of these supplements, as an overdose or wrong dose might affect adversely.

For any further query or assistance, join our community Fertility Dost and get thorough guidance through a proper fertility plan. You can also book a consultation for our Fertility Coach program and get personalized assistance.


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